Your Files

In the Your Files section, you can upload your own study materials, such as PDFs, documents, or textbooks, to enhance your learning experience with AI-powered assistance.

  1. Upload Your Materials:

    • Click the "Upload" button to add your study materials to the platform. You can upload a variety of file types, including PDFs, documents, and more.

  2. AI-Powered Assistance:

    • Once your files are uploaded, you can click the AI icon located in the bottom left corner of the screen to access context-aware assistance.

    • The AI can interact with your uploaded files, helping you with any questions by providing detailed, context-specific responses.

  3. Integrated Learning:

    • This feature is seamlessly integrated into both the desktop extension and the mobile app, offering instant help whenever you need it. Once you upload your class materials into a Study Set, you can access Notebook via the extension or mobile app and enable the study set for AI context-aware assistance.

    • For example, if you upload a book or textbook to your study set and have an assignment question about a specific chapter, the AI will not only provide an answer but also highlight the exact sections of the book where the information was found. This ensures that you have the most relevant information at your fingertips, making your study sessions more efficient and effective.

Last updated